(this is mostly for me, but because I got so much out of other people making their self-improvement journals public, I am sharing.)
Stayed in armor same amount of time (about 1130-2ish). Fought four intervals, which were all longer. (See, stamina increasing. Fantastic. Must keep running, and watching nutrition.) Lost track of number of bouts (will stop counting hereafter).
Nine fighters, including Ceddie and Genevieve. I really enjoyed Genevieve's comments, and watching her shapes, because she is not much smaller than I am. Changing my focus to fight someone my size is Very Different.
Movement - Stuttering. Expect this to go away with practice, just like dance. Need to not stand so 'square', turn from hips more. When I focus on this, I can do it, but it's something to practice. Was told I bounce a lot. (if anyone is surprised, raise your hand so I can smack you.) Compared to boxer. (Darn - this is what comes of trying lots of stuff.)
Blocks - Practiced tent block; feeling more natural. Must add to pell work. Managed to block several head shots with shield without thinking about it, but I think they might have been intentional? I hope this helps.
Shots - I was only aware of a few shots that went accidentally good; I think I just need to expect nothing here, and keep trying. Genevieve had some really good advice about being a smaller fighter, I probably need to add more vertical padding to my pell, and mark 6'. Arc work I did Friday helped, should go back to Rose and review the shots.
Armor - Must remember to trim down that arm strap that is just a bit fat to go easily through the buckle. Tassets did their job. Am becoming increasingly annoyed with plate for two big reasons: it's noisy, so hard to hear what people are telling me over my own clanking (since I bounce, I'm really noisy). And I can't bend as easily as I would like - I think this is the lames on the harness hanging up, but not sure. I wish I had a big mirror to check movement in. I also want a shirt with a collar.
Bruise on upper inner arm from florentine fighter. Might have one on the back of my left leg...probably not. Most noticeable: sword arm back-of-hand is very very tired. Might be shop work yesterday plus pell work day before. Will ice.
I really ought to paint "stretch after exertion for 20% strength addition" on the back of my shield, so I don't forget to do it - fortunately somebody razzed me about yoga and that reminded me. But didn't remember mat, AGAIN.
Bringing chair is a good thing, and not just because I get to babble about bright colors on it. Did get a great idea about burying assembly instructions in the decoration for it.
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