Photo courtesy Illy Brownlee, taken at Royal, AL. Thank you so much!
As some of you may know, my husband is the instigator and chief crew member of The Byrdraka, a fictional Viking 'boat' which brings revelry places seaworthy craft cannot, since she is built on a 20' trailer.
(Follow her progress on Facebook!)
In that picture above, I'm sitting on her stage, getting sunburned. For this and other reasons, we want to put a yardarm and sail on the boat, and I need YOUR HELP to learn how!
I don't really research/play Viking for myself (only as a Sif barmaid for the boat), so I'm not sure where to start. I did research modern sailboats quite a bit last summer, so I know what it means when I read "The single square rigged sail allowed sailing close to the wind"...that doesn't help me build the yardarm and rigging necessary to hoist a useful shade-giving sail.
Please, make suggestions in the comments, and I'll start reading and posting progress and what I try out. Thanks SO MUCH!
Longship Company (Facebook group, thanks Greg Hartley!)
Sailing Manual from the Longship Company (thanks Mark Blaydoe!)
Alison Fuch's collection of Viking rigging illustrations on Pinterest