I've become fond of the blog "The Happiness Project". (No, I haven't read her book, but I'm sure it's lovely, if it's anything like the blog.
Reading a couple of years of intermittent posts in which Gretchen explains the Truths of Adulthood, Secrets of Happiness, and Personal Commandments that she has found for herself has helped me understand that I can do this too.
(I don't entirely understand why I have this reputation for intelligence when I can be really, REALLY slow about some things.)
So..."Craft materials are not groceries."
You know how groceries work. You run out of eggs, you buy eggs. You don't have something particular in mind, you just know that at some point in the next couple of weeks you're going to be standing in front of the fridge with an urgent need for an egg, and you need it to be right there.
Well, maybe craft materials used to be like that. When I was ten, and had no allowance, and depended upon my parents taking me to either the library or the fabric store. But now that there's the internet, and places everywhere at hand, and since the internet delivers...I have too much stuff.
I've gotten to the point where piles of materials no longer make me feel rich, but hassled. Like a closet ripped from an episode of Hoarders is arguing with the lovely new ideas rolling by my door.
So I've been culling my stash. It's been slow going, fighting the internal 10-year-old who is terrified of interminable summer with no tv allowed. Here's another Gretchen-worthy Truth, stolen from XKCD:
Posted by: maryjane | June 28, 2017 at 07:03 AM