Right, the usual apologies for being quiet - it's trendy to blame Facebook, who am I to be different.
AND MY CAMERA HAS DIED. SHUTTER BUTTON KAPUT. INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING. (I will limp along with my phone-cam until I can get a replacement.)
But since good things keep happening with my friends, I feel obligated to share and help as I can:
Major squee for Madhavi, my Indian-persona-ed pal in Trimaris. Madhavi is one of the considerable forces behind the SCA-India Yahoo list, and she's also an AMAZING cook (which in the SCA, frequently translates to "feastcrat", or person who coordinates, researches, shops for, and does the bulk of the cooking for 80-200 people at a multi-course meal, usually on some theme).
For the fabulous occasion of Trimaris' 25th Anniversary, she is presenting an Indian-themed feast. (See her wonderful website about it here.) Since I have a secondary Rajput persona, I thought - "Ooh, I want to help serve that." And bring textiles. And finally finish off my getup - because although wearing all that borrowed jewelry was fun, it really wasn't Quite Right. (There should be many more pearls. And black tassels.)
Not to mention that the Viking and I lovelovelove Indian food, Labor Day weekend is long enough to get down to Ocala, it's also the Coronation of friends of mine from Tally (I'm SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS), it's right after my birthday (so clearly I should get what I want, right?), and I can see my mother, who plays in Trimaris.
AND. Her Highness Princess Grainne is Anglo-Saxon, she of the warp-weighted loom project that I helped a bit with last year, so of course we need warm-weather clothes for that. I've been promising the Viking a long Saxon tunic, and have lovely orangey herringbone linen twill for him, and I've warped my loom with more diamond twill, though it's going to have some interesting blue and gold striping.
I'm also in the weeds regarding sewing for potters - I owe two various things, which I'd like to finish before Pennsic.
Did I mention I'm jobhunting?
Need someone to charm clients, research solutions,keep up with filing/bookkeeping, progress long-term projects, compose communications,and keep an ear to the ground? I need work that will help me direct my business degree – let’s help each other!