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March 23, 2010


Franklin Slaton

Their Highnesses are making a heavy push to up the quality of our gift baskets to other kingdoms. Seriously, if you saw what other kingdoms were giving us vs what we give in exchange you'd be mortified. Some hand-woven yardage would make an excellent contribution.


$30/yard? Seriously?? I might have to think of my encore career post-retirement . . . . (anyone want to be my agent?)

Trim is much fun to weave. The problem with what you describe (doing several pieces at once) is that the edges won't be selvages. But for really great trim, go to the Davidson book, pick out a nicely complicated twill (3/1 twill have more variations) and thread up one repeat, plus maybe a stripe on each side (you might be able to match some documented trim). You only have to warp about 30 ends. I just used a belt shuttle to both weave and press in the weft rather than using the beater, so it goes pretty fast. I don't know if you ever saw the trim on Julie's black-and-red garb at San Luis--but that's how I made the trim.

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