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November 08, 2009


Oswald the Silent

That's awesome! My first exposure to the sca was on a news report. Cooking is what pulled me to the SCA, then I saw folks hitting each other with sticks...rest was history lol! As age continues to creep up, cooking has also entered back into my plans...just not crickets!

Oswald the Silent


OK--I have various clay pieces that fit into the oven for breadbaking, and I've built a clay bread oven in the yard--and I have real modern cooking equipment, so there is no reason for me to want a clay bread oven.

But man, I envy that bread oven!! It's just so graceful looking. I love the idea of it. Bet it makes bread with that lovely crackling crust . . .


I constantly buy an essay or term paper about this topic.


OK--I built one (large flowerpot, half-sphere flowerpot, a couple of bases, and a hacksaw . . .

Sort of works--need to try it again when this cold snap is over. But it raises questions--why such a small oven. It's really not fuel efficient--even Kiara's, which has thicker walls than mine, is nothing like the 6-8 inch (or more) walls of a real clay or brick oven, and doesn't have the mass for heat retention.

A friend got interested and did some quick research--all he found were traditional ovens. He is wondering, if there were so many of them, if they were braziers instead. Sort of like a chiminea--just to warm up the place a little, rather than being used for cooking?

Do you have any documentation from Kiara? I'd be interested.

And happy 2010!



Wow - good for you!

I did see documentation from Kiara, one important point is that the replica is half-sized.  Another is that they found thousands of these things, all lined up, in Pompeii.  If that was a bakery (again, quoting others research, not mine, so Im rather lost in the context), then the ambient temp would have been higher in the building (if it was in a building), which would help hold heat.  Apparently bread was found inside them.

The photos I saw from Kiara had a different coal hole - more of a tray, like an automatic pet feeder.  This enables scooting of the coals in and out.  I read in a cast-iron cooking essay that each coal is about 10dF, so you need twenty five under and over your pot to bake at 250dF...Im wondering how they got the overhead heat, or perhaps the crockery is better than iron for heat retention...unknown.

Lawrence Halter

That's hardcore cooking from the Bronze Age, hehe. I love dishes cooked in earthen pots. They taste very different from those being cooked in metal pots. Because of their slow cooking time and low heat, dishes cook longer. But you can be sure that they will taste wonderful.

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