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August 23, 2009


Jerusha Kilgore

A simple chair with a back! Yay!

Mariann Eaves/Saraqan Uneged

Looks great! Can I post this to Vulpine Reach's yahoo list?

I bet your A&S minister would love to hear about this.. lol


Sure, repost it wherever youd like...thats why its a public blog.  :D
Im afraid my AS reports are generally rather scary - I summarize what Ive documented on the blog.  Got called a show-off by a pal in my new shire last month.  ~Greet, who will not be having quite so much SCA time next quarter.

Hal Link

Hi there, I've been looking into the Taum chair as a curiosity. I got a copy of 'Traditional Crafts of Ireland' as well as checking on the only two museum examples I could find. The evidence only places the chairs to date back to late 18th- early 19th century. Certainly not in the SCA's period, I was wondering if you have some other information I've not found to support it being 5th Century. Thanks Hal Link (aka Hal Raeburn)

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