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June 15, 2009


Jerusha Kilgore

Gorgeous as always. I've got Croom coming, but not that one. I was gonna ask you about fabrics, but you anticipated my questions!


I love that hair. It would take awhile to do, but it looks really good.


Cotton has come up over and over on RAT and the consensus seems to be it's a no-go. The best anybody can point to is an obscure reference from Pliny about cloth made of "tree wool". While there certainly was limited trade with the east I'd have my doubts about any appreciable amount of cotton cloth making it's way west.

Great ensemble though, and kudos on the knotted shoulder seams. Love that interpretation.


Cotton has come up over and over on RAT and the consensus seems to be it's a no-go. The best anybody can point to is an obscure reference from Pliny about cloth made of "tree wool". While there certainly was limited trade with the east I'd have my doubts about any appreciable amount of cotton cloth making it's way west.

Great ensemble though, and I love the knotted shoulder seam interpretation.

You need some more bling though. Romans loved bling.


What specific evidence are you basing the knotted shoulder seams on? Frescoes? Statuary?

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