This quarter's list isn't as long as ones past, but hey, at least it exists. In Spring 2008, I:
- Researched and constructed a Roman woman's costume: Corinthian tunica, palla, and vittae
- Researched and began reproduction of 12thc brocaded tabletwoven bands
- Researched and tested tapestry-woven embellishment (clavi) for eventual Coptic tunic
- Attended Kingdom A&S; asked questions about stained-glass design and authority to approve; participated in Embroiderer's Guild Salon
- Finished reading "Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings"
- Began reading "Magdalena and Balthesar: An Intimate Portrait of Life in 16thc Europe Revealed in the letters of a Nuremberg Husband and Wife"
- Commissioned and approved research for 15thc trestle table from Sir Jean-Claude
- Researched and collected images of 14th/15thc male garb for Sir Jean-Claude
- Researched and collected information for 3rd Crusade, male garb, for Orlando
- Helped host A&S display at Spring Crown List
- Researched and collected images of various period architectures appropriate for Meridian Gate project
- Presented "fluff to fabric" demo at 3 public events; wove and spun wool