The blogosphere is helping with my bee info problem.
Neil Gaiman posted about a friend of his who also keeps bees. Sharon, of Birdchick Blog, has been posting video of her hives Kitty and Olga. (Apparently you name hives. Geek.Farm.Life has been running a hive-naming contest for their two - "Sweet and Low" are currently trouncing "Thelma and Louise" and "Alpha and Beta", tied at second place.)
(Must you have two hives? Sharon mentions in one of her comments that when her hives are full, in each one there will be two deeps full of bees and brood, and one full of honey for the sustainance of the hive all winter. But I think beekeeping in Minnesota is probably somewhat different than down here at 30dN. I need to get me to the place in Crestview that knows bees.)
I'm also learning about birds from Sharon. This is good, since until now I could identify a seagull, a bluejay, a hummingbird (yes, how is that not a bug?!), an owl, a pelican, an egret, a dove, and a pigeon. All local. That's about it. No idea what the little browny birds are - wrens?. Oh! I know a robin, too, because our yard was full of robins in the early spring, when I piled all the spring oak leaves onto the garden beds. And ducks and geese are easy when I see them on the ground. I really should learn more of my local flora & fauna. Here's a helpful page on a helpful site - these silhouettes give you the basic kinds of birds. I've been wanting posters of local birds/trees/spiders/etc...but until those drop into my lap, these silhouettes will have to do.